What is spiritual direction?
At its simplest, spiritual direction is about deep listening , and spiritual accompaniment through life’s ups and downs. In the midst of transition, grief, or realization of deep hurt our spiritual lives and our connection with the Divine can feel a bit like a fog has rolled in over us. It can be difficult to navigate, and having a trusted partner to listen to you and with you to the Spirit’s movements can help to offer clarity, grounding, and connection. The role of the spiritual director is to listen, listen more, ask questions and offer observations to help further your spiritual growth, and keep you attuned to spiritual aspects of your life.
What do sessions look like?
Sessions are typically one hour, once a month. In our initial session I will ask you about your experiences with faith, spirituality, and help to create sessions that are attuned to you and your needs. Often sessions will begin and end with prayer or meditation, the remainder of the time is spent in conversation that is largely directed by you! Whether it is mundane or profound, sources of joy or sadness, discernment for the future or contentment for the present, all can be a part of spiritual conversation.
Currently all sessions are held over video chat or phone. In person session in the Aurora/Denver area may be available in the future.
Do I need to be a Christian?
No. Spirituality is not an exclusively Christian experience, and people of many faiths find spiritual direction helpful. I am open to working with people of any faith wanting to deepen their spiritual life no matter their religious background.
Is spiritual direction the same as counseling? What’s the difference?
While there may be some overlap in topics covered in pastoral counseling and spiritual direction, spiritual direction is not counseling. Spiritual direction is a commitment to deepen one’s life of faith and spiritual experience and not focused on addressing specific mental health concerns. It cannot and should not be used in place of counseling or seeing other mental health professionals. Spiritual direction can however help to supplement counseling to address religious and spiritual issues.
How do I know if spiritual direction is for me?
Do you have questions about your spiritual wellbeing? A desire to grow in your spiritual life? Are you working through big wonderings? Or discernment for who you are and called to be? Then try it. I, like many others, offer an initial session to get to know you and you me, and a follow up session to see if we are a good fit and if you would benefit from spiritual direction, as opposed to another kind of care. If I am not a good fit, I am happy to help you find someone who is a good fit for you!
How much does spiritual direction cost?
I charge on a sliding scale of up to $100/session. However, I never want cost to be the deciding or limiting factor in a decision to pursue spiritual direction. I am willing to work with you on what feels right for your situation. Scholarships are available to seminarians and students.
What do you believe?
I was raised in the Christian tradition, within a community that emphasized that love of neighbor was a commandment from Jesus, not an option. I am an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and a member of a local ELCA congregation. I am affirming of LGBTQIA+, and celebrate the vast diversity of humanity. I strive to live in such a way that honors the earth, and see connection to creation as spiritually important. I remain secure in my faith, and do not see a need to convert or proselytize to others to my way of belief and practice- rather I take delight in the variety of ways people find spiritual connection and expression.
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!